Why You Need Both GDPR and ISO 27001 Qualifications in Today’s Data-Driven World

The digital age is characterised by constant change and innovation, and with it, the importance of data privacy and security. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the ISO/IEC 27001 standard are two crucial frameworks that address these challenges.

This article explores why both GDPR and ISO 27001 qualifications remain relevant, the advantages of obtaining them from a trusted provider like IBITGQ, and who will benefit from them.

The enduring relevance of the GDPR and ISO 27001

  • GDPR: Since its introduction in 2018, the GDPR has fundamentally reshaped personal data management practices across Europe, impacting organisations globally. Its focus on data subject rights and stringent compliance requirements necessitates ongoing expertise. For organisations outside the EU, understanding the GDPR’s influence on emerging data privacy regulations worldwide is essential.
  • ISO 27001: This internationally recognised standard provides a systematic approach to managing information security risks. With the ever-growing threat of cyber attacks, robust information security practices are essential for organisations of all sizes. The October 2022 revision of the Standard ensures it remains current with evolving threats.

A dynamic environment: continual improvement is key

GDPR and information security specifications are evolving:

  • The application of the GDPR is evolving on the back of enforcement decisions made by supervisory authorities across the EU. These decisions provide important interpretations of the Regulation and set benchmarks for compliance. Organisations need to stay up to date on these developments to ensure their data protection practices remain effective.
  • The October 2022 revision of ISO 27001 reflects the migration to the Cloud and the changes in the threat environment, ensuring it stays relevant in the face of ongoing challenges.

The importance of compliance

Non-compliance with the GDPR can result in hefty fines, reputational damage and operational disruptions. Fines can reach up to €20 million or 4% of an organisation’s annual global turnover, whichever is higher.

Failing to maintain an ISO 27001-compliant information security management system (ISMS) can damage an organisation’s reputation by demonstrating a lack of commitment to information security. More importantly, it increases the risk of data breaches, which can then lead to GDPR non-compliance.

Why combine GDPR and ISO 27001 qualifications?

While the GDPR focuses on data privacy rights, ensuring individuals have control over their personal information, ISO 27001 addresses information security controls to protect all information assets. Combining GDPR and ISO 27001 qualifications equips professionals with a well-rounded understanding of both aspects, enabling them to design and implement a holistic data protection and information security programme.

Complementary benefits:

  • GDPR qualifications: IBITGQ offers a structured learning pathway, from foundational knowledge to becoming a certified data protection officer (DPO). This empowers professionals to navigate GDPR complexities such as data subject access requests, data portability rights and restriction of processing rights. You’ll also gain expertise in conducting data protection impact assessments (DPIAs): a crucial step in ensuring GDPR compliance for high-risk processing activities.
  • ISO 27001 qualifications: IBITGQ’s qualifications provide expertise in implementing, assessing and managing an ISMS. This includes risk management, control implementation and continual improvement – all crucial aspects of information security. Professionals gain the skills to identify and assess information security risks, select and implement appropriate controls, and monitor the effectiveness of the ISMS.

Investing in both qualifications empowers you to:

  • Implement a robust data protection and information security framework that protects personal data and all other organisational information assets;
  • Build trust with customers and stakeholders by demonstrating a commitment to data privacy and information security;
  • Navigate the increasingly complex regulatory landscape with confidence; and
  • Unlock exciting career opportunities in the data privacy and security field, a rapidly growing sector with a high demand for skilled professionals.

Who should obtain these qualifications?

IBITGQ qualifications cater to various roles within your organisation, ensuring a well-rounded team with expertise in both data privacy and information security.

  • GDPR qualifications: Ideal for business directors, managers, risk and compliance professionals, legal counsel (general or privacy counsel), and anyone needing a foundational understanding of the GDPR’s impact on their organisation and its departments. These qualifications are also valuable for data protection professionals, such as DPOs, who can enhance their knowledge and stay up to date with the latest best practices.
  • ISO 27001 qualifications: Information security professionals, IT managers, auditors, risk management professionals, and anyone involved in implementing or maintaining an ISMS will benefit from these qualifications. They are particularly valuable for those involved in transitioning to an ISO 27001:2022-compliant ISMS or those seeking to lead and manage an ISMS.

How to attain IBITGQ qualifications

To achieve an IBITGQ certification, choose one of three pathways: enrol in formal training with an accredited training organisation (ATO) for comprehensive preparation, leading to the examination; purchase an exam voucher from an ATO, which is valid for a specific period; or demonstrate your knowledge by independently booking an exam through an IBITGQ exam provider.

Why choose IBITGQ?

  • Industry recognition: IBITGQ qualifications are recognised and respected by employers worldwide. An IBITGQ qualification demonstrates your commitment to data privacy and information security and sets you apart from other job candidates.
  • Commitment to quality: IBITGQ is committed to providing high-quality qualifications that meet the evolving needs of the data privacy and information security professions. Our qualifications are regularly reviewed and updated to reflect the latest regulations and best practices.
  • Global reach: We offer our qualifications internationally, allowing you to gain a recognised credential regardless of your location.

IBITGQ empowers organisations and individuals to navigate the complexities of data privacy and information security in today’s data-driven world. By investing in IBITGQ qualifications, you’ll gain the knowledge and skills necessary to build trust, ensure compliance and safeguard valuable information assets.

Next steps

Visit the IBITGQ website, https://www.ibitgq.org/, to explore our full range of GDPR and ISO 27001 qualifications. You can also find detailed information about our other qualifications, training providers and exam process. Contact us today to discuss your learning goals and how IBITGQ can help you achieve them.